question of the day


Why do elephants have flat feet?
Answer below in the comment section! The answer will be revealed tomorrow!
The answer to yesterday's question is:
An elephant's brain weighs around 11 pounds and is the largest brain of any land animal. This allows for greater mental capacity, which is why they're so intelligent.

Did you get the answer right? Congrats! If not, then go check out my website to learn more about these amazing creatures!

what is a person?


What is a person? This is the question that is the driving force behind the conference called, "Personhood Beyond the Human." It is being held at Yale University, starting December 6, 2013 and going through December 8, 2013. This conference is being sponsored by the Nonhuman Rights Project, an organization that is fighting for the legal rights for members of species other than our own. They want to break through the legal barrier that separates humans from nonhumans, thereby gaining legal "personhood" for nonhuman animals. This process would begin with some of the most intelligent creatures, including chimpanzees, elephants, and dolphins. They believe that until the law affords these animals rights, then humans will continue to treat them as things; they will continue to poach them, experiment on them, and destroy their natural habitat. This conference will discuss the history, science, and philosophy behind personhood and ways to protect animal interests through the establishment of legal precedents and by increasing public awareness.

Want to know more about the Personhood Beyond the Human Conference? Click below!

Want to know more about the Nonhuman Rights Project? Click below!

Do you think that animals, especially those with greater cognitive ability and emotional capacity, should be given legal rights? Or do you think that only humans should be afforded these rights?
Tell me what you think in the comment section below!
The answer to yesterday's question is:
Adult African elephants consume 300 to 500 pounds of food per day. They spend 18 to 20 hours a day roaming great distances and foraging for food. This is required for elephants to sustain their massive bodies.

Did you get the answer right? Congrats! If not, then go check out my website to learn more about these amazing creatures!
How much does an elephant's brain weigh?
Answer below in the comment section! The answer will be revealed tomorrow!
How many pounds of food do African elephants eat per day?
Answer below in the comment section! The answer will be revealed tomorrow!